Beauty Shots Club


Unlock Your Youthful Potential with beauty shots neuromodulators: Dysport, Xeomin, Jeuveau, and Daxxify are all FDA-approved injectable treatments derived from the botulinum toxin.

These widely acclaimed options offer an array of benefits to address fine lines and wrinkles, revolutionizing the world of cosmetic enhancements and providing a more youthful and refreshed appearance.

Benefits of Neuromodulators


Minimizes Wrinkles and Fine Lines: These injectables effectively target dynamic wrinkles, softening the appearance of frown lines, crow's feet, and forehead creases by temporarily relaxing underlying muscles.

Non-Surgical and Minimal Downtime: These minimally invasive treatments require no surgery, ensuring a quick and virtually painless process with no extensive recovery time.

Natural-Looking Results: Skilled practitioners tailor the treatment to maintain your unique identity while enhancing your features for a rejuvenated appearance.

Daxxify: The Long-Lasting Toxin


Discover our latest offering, Daxxify - the innovative, FDA-approved injectable treatment that takes the fight against wrinkles to a new level. This groundbreaking solution is backed by a comprehensive clinical trial program, SAKURA III, involving over 2,700 participants who underwent 4,200 procedures.

Daxxify's effects are not only rapid but also long-lasting. For some patients, the positive effects of Daxxify endured for up to 9 months, which is twice as long as the typical duration of other neuromodulators. This makes Daxxify a game-changer in the world of cosmetic treatments.

Daxxify is known for its excellent safety profile, with no serious side effects reported during clinical trials.

Versatile Applications: Excessive Sweating & Migraines


Beyond cosmetic purposes, these injectables effectively treat excessive sweating, migraines, and muscle spasms, improving overall well-being.

Long-Lasting Results: Enjoy noticeable improvements that can last for months, sustained through regular maintenance treatments.

Minimal Side Effects: When administered by qualified professionals, side effects are generally minimal and temporary, ensuring a safe experience.

Natural-Looking Results: Boosts Confidence and Self-Esteem: Reduced signs of aging often lead to increased confidence, empowering you to face the world with renewed positivity.

Become a Beauty Shots Club Member

You can join our Beauty Shots club and receive our any time!

The annual membership fee is only $150 This is a great option for patients who want to get the most value for their money on their schedule!


Beauty Shots Club Price

Jeaveau, Xeomin

$8 unit


$4.5 unit


$15 unit

Regular Price

Jeaveau, Xeomin

$13 unit


$6 unit


$22 unit