Medical Chemical Peels


Medical Chemical peeling is a cosmetic procedure that utilizes chemical solutions to remove the top layers of the skin, enhancing its texture, color, and addressing various skin concerns. The peeling procedure aids in stimulating cell renewal, boosting collagen and elastin production, resulting in healthier and more youthful looking skin.

Medical Chemical peels are procedures that require specialized expertise and knowledge. In our clinic, designer chemical peels are selected based on skin conditions and prices vary between $395-$895.

Salicylic Acid Peels


Salicylic acid peels are renowned for their exfoliating and drying properties, effectively addressing various skin concerns. The core attribute of salicylic acid is its remarkable ability to exfoliate the skin and reduce oiliness by denaturing proteins. This unique action effectively clears sebaceous plugs, minimizing the viscosity of skin oils and eliminating the root causes of acne and comedones.

These peels exhibit a surface to medium-depth penetration. The choice of concentration is determined by the specific skin issue being addressed, ensuring an optimal effect based on the desired outcome.

Salicylic acid is not only antimicrobial but also possesses mild anesthetic properties, resulting in a painless procedure.

Jessner's Peel


Jessner's Peel is a facial peel renowned for its rejuvenating prowess, reducing wrinkles, brightening the skin, and delivering a thorough cleanse with minimal downtime. This particular peel is considered a versatile surface to medium-depth treatment, with the depth of penetration contingent on the number of layers applied.

Its applications are diverse, catering to conditions such as dry or oily seborrhea, combination or oily skin, acne (both inflammatory and non-inflammatory), post-acne marks, pigmentation, hyperkeratosis, preventive measures against photoaging and chronological aging, and stretch marks (striae). The peel works by exerting a keratolytic effect, normalizing sebum production, evening out skin texture, exhibiting potent antiseptic properties, offering exfoliation, anti-inflammatory action, and aiding in the reduction of enlarged pores.

TCA (Trichloroacetic Acid) Peel


Many patients opt for the TCA (Trichloroacetic Acid) peel for several reasons, considering its unique advantages over other rejuvenating and cleansing procedures:

High Effectiveness: Visible improvements can often be observed after just one session, showcasing its remarkable efficacy. Comprehensive Impact: This procedure offers a multifaceted approach, addressing multiple cosmetic concerns simultaneously, including wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, acne, and breakouts. Safety Assured: Our clinic's experienced professionals perform this procedure with meticulous care, ensuring its safety. We utilize formulations enhanced with additional components, ensuring a completely controlled process.

What to Expect after Chemical Peels


After the procedure, redness, peeling, and a sensation of tightness may occur. However, this is typically temporary and subsides within a few days.

The full recovery period depends on the type and depth of the peel, ranging from a few days to one to two weeks. It's essential to avoid direct exposure to sunlight and follow the skincare specialist's recommendations during the post-peel period to minimize the risk of side effects and expedite the recovery process.

Before undergoing a chemical peel, it is important to seek consultation from a qualified specialist to determine the appropriate type of peel and avoid potential side effects.