Platelet-Rich Plasma


Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) has rapidly emerged as a cutting-edge regenerative therapy, captivating the world of modern medicine and aesthetics alike. This innovative procedure utilizes the body's own healing potential to rejuvenate tissue and promote natural healing processes, making it a sought-after solution for a variety of medical and cosmetic concerns

Harnessing Your Body's Healing Potential


PRP therapy is rooted in the idea of harnessing the natural healing capacity of platelets found in your blood.

These platelets are rich in growth factors and bioactive proteins that play a pivotal role in tissue repair and regeneration. During the procedure, a small amount of your blood is drawn and spun in a centrifuge to separate the platelets from other components. The resulting PRP solution is then strategically injected into the target area, initiating a cascade of regenerative responses.

PRP Therapy For Skin & Hair


In the realm of aesthetics, PRP has gained immense popularity as the "Vampire Facial" or "Vampire Facelift." It enhances collagen production, minimizes fine lines, and revitalizes the skin, offering a youthful glow. Additionally, PRP's benefits extend to hair restoration, addressing hair loss concerns by stimulating dormant hair follicles, resulting in improved hair thickness and growth.

PRP procedures typically involve minimal discomfort, with most patients returning to their normal activities shortly after. While some immediate improvement may be noticeable, the full regenerative effects of PRP become evident over the following weeks as collagen production and tissue repair progress.

Price Plans

PRP Therapy For Face & Hair


Full Face $499

Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy


Full Scalp $499

Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy

PRP Injections For Joints & Tendons


Orthopedics and Beyond:
Beyond aesthetics, PRP has revolutionized orthopedic treatments. Athletes and individuals seeking alternatives to surgical interventions have found solace in PRP injections. From chronic tendon injuries to osteoarthritis, PRP accelerates healing and alleviates pain, helping patients regain mobility and overall quality of life.

Natural, Safe, and Personalized:
One of the most compelling aspects of PRP therapy is its natural and safe approach. Since PRP is derived from your own blood, the risk of adverse reactions or allergies is virtually nonexistent. Moreover, PRP procedures are personalized, tailored to your unique needs and goals.